External Support Services

External Support Services

The following is a list of organisations that offer support services outside the Resource Centre.

Family Support Agency www.fsa.ie
Citizens Information www.citizensinformation.ie
Crisis Pregnancy Agency www.crisispregnancy.ie
Department of Health & Youth Affairs www.dcya.gov.ie
Department of Social Protection www.welfare.ie
Free Legal Advice Centres www.flac.ie
Government of Ireland Portal www.irlgov.ie
Gorey Community Youth Project www.fdys.ie.ie
Legal Aid Board www.legalaidboard.ie
LGBT Diversity www.lgbtdiversity.com
Money Advice and Budgeting Service www.mabs.ie
New Communities Partnership www.newcommunities.ie
Office of the Children’s Ombudsman www.oco.ie
Office of the Information Commissioner www.oic.gov.ie
Office of the Ombudsman www.ombudsman.ie
One Family www.onefamily.ie
Pensions Board www.pensionsboard.ie
Women’s Aid www.womensaid.ie
Social Welfare Appeals Office www.socialwelfareappeals.ie
Teen Between www.teenbetween.ie
The Mediator’s Institute of Ireland www.themii.ie
The Office of Social Inclusion www.socialinclusion.ie
The Pensions Ombudsman www.pensionsombudsman.ie
The Wheel www.wheel.ie